Twitch global emotes are unique icons available to all users, allowing you to express yourself in chat with creativity. On this page you will find a complete database of all existing global emotes, including the latest new and animated versions.
Twitch Global Emotes
All Twitch Global Emotes
- ;-)
- ;-p
- ;-P
- ;)
- ;)
- ;P
- ;p
- ;P
- :\
- :-\
- :-(
- :-)
- :-/
- :-|
- :-D
- :-o
- :-O
- :-p
- :-P
- :-Z
- :-z
- :(
- :(
- :)
- :/
- :/
- :|
- :|
- :D
- :D
- :O
- :o
- :O
- :P
- :p
- :P
- :Z
- :z
- >(
- >(
- <3
- <3
- 4Head
- 8-)
- AmbessaLove
- AndalusianCrush
- AnotherRecord
- ArgieB8
- ArsonNoSexy
- AsexualPride
- AsianGlow
- B-)
- B)
- B)
- BabyRage
- BangbooBounce
- BatChest
- BCWarrior
- BegWan
- BigBrother
- BigPhish
- BigSad
- BisexualPride
- BlackLivesMatter
- BlargNaut
- bleedPurple
- BloodTrail
- BrainSlug
- BratChat
- BrokeBack
- BuddhaBar
- CaitlynS
- CaitThinking
- CarlSmile
- CerberusDog
- ChefFrank
- ChewyYAY
- Cinheimer
- cmonBruh
- CoolCat
- CoolStoryBob
- copyThis
- CorgiDerp
- CrreamAwk
- CurseLit
- DAESuppy
- DansGame
- DarkKnight
- DarkMode
- DatSheffy
- DBstyle
- DendiFace
- DinoDance
- DogFace
- DoritosChip
- duDudu
- DxCat
- EarthDay
- EkkoChest
- EleGiggle
- EntropyWins
- ExtraLife
- FailFish
- FallCry
- FallHalp
- FallWinning
- FamilyMan
- FBBlock
- FBCatch
- FBChallenge
- FBPass
- FBPenalty
- FBRun
- FBSpiral
- FBtouchdown
- FeelsVi
- FlawlessVictory
- FootBall
- FootGoal
- FootYellow
- ForSigmar
- FrankerZ
- FreakinStinkin
- FUNgineer
- FutureMan
- GayPride
- GenderFluidPride
- Getcamped
- GingerPower
- GivePLZ
- GlitchCat
- GlitchLit
- GlitchNRG
- GoatEmotey
- GoldPLZ
- GrammarKing
- GunRun
- HarleyWink
- HassaanChop
- HeyGuys
- HolidayCookie
- HolidayLog
- HolidayPresent
- HolidaySanta
- HolidayTree
- HotPokket
- HSCheers
- HungryPaimon
- imGlitch
- ImTyping
- IntersexPride
- InuyoFace
- ItsBoshyTime
- Jebaited
- Jebasted
- JinxLUL
- JKanStyle
- JonCarnage
- KaiMafia2
- Kappa
- KappaClaus
- KappaPride
- KappaRoss
- KappaWealth
- Kappu
- Keepo
- KEKHeim
- KevinTurtle
- KingWorldCup
- Kippa
- KomodoHype
- KonCha
- Kreygasm
- LaundryBasket
- Lechonk
- LesbianPride
- LionOfYara
- Mau5
- MaxLOL
- mcaT
- MechaRobot
- MercyWing1
- MercyWing2
- MikeHogu
- MingLee
- ModLove
- MorphinTime
- MrDestructoid
- MVGame
- MyAvatar
- NewRecord
- NiceTry
- NinjaGrumpy
- NomNom
- NonbinaryPride
- NotATK
- NotLikeThis
- O_o
- o_o
- o_O
- O_O
- O_o
- o.o
- o.O
- O.O
- O.o
- OhMyDog
- OneHand
- OpieOP
- OptimizePrime
- OSFrog
- panicBasket
- PanicVis
- PansexualPride
- PartyHat
- PartyTime
- pastaThat
- PeoplesChamp
- PermaSmug
- PewPewPew
- PicoMause
- PikaRamen
- PinkMercy
- PipeHype
- PixelBob
- PizzaTime
- PJSalt
- PJSugar
- PMSTwin
- PogBones
- PogChamp
- Poooound
- PopCorn
- PopGhost
- PopNemo
- PoroSad
- PotFriend
- PowerUpL
- PowerUpR
- PraiseIt
- PRChase
- PrimeMe
- PunchTrees
- PunOko
- R-)
- R)
- R)
- RaccAttack
- RalpherZ
- RedCoat
- ResidentSleeper
- riPepperonis
- RitzMitz
- RlyTho
- RuleFive
- RyuChamp
- SabaPing
- SeemsGood
- SeriousSloth
- ShadyLulu
- ShazBotstix
- Shush
- SingsMic
- SingsNote
- SmoocherZ
- SMOrc
- SoBayed
- SoonerLater
- SplashTail
- Squid1
- Squid2
- Squid3
- Squid4
- SSSsss
- StinkyCheese
- StinkyGlitch
- StoneLightning
- StrawBeary
- SUBprise
- SUBtember
- SuperVinlin
- SwiftRage
- TakeNRG
- TBAngel
- TearGlove
- TehePelo
- TF2John
- ThankEgg
- TheIlluminati
- TheRinger
- TheTarFu
- TheThing
- ThunBeast
- TinyFace
- TombRaid
- TooSpicy
- TPcrunchyroll
- TPFufun
- TransgenderPride
- TriHard
- TSAClappa
- TTours
- TwitchConHYPE
- TwitchLit
- twitchRaid
- TwitchRPG
- TwitchSings
- TwitchUnity
- TwitchVotes
- UncleNox
- UnSane
- UWot
- VirtualHug
- VoHiYo
- VoteNay
- VoteYea
- WholeWheat
- WhySoSerious
- WoTJason
- WTRuck
- WutFace
- YouDontSay
- YouWHY